Building The Mathematical Mind of A Preschooler


The Books are in print from and designed to help your child learn quickly and easily .

Purchaesd Individually:The cost to you including shipping is Rs. 1800/-
The Whole set of Six(6) Books will cost you Rs. 5200/- only including shipping.

Summary: Printed on 180 GSM Paper,The books allow you to use the material repetitively to enhance automaticity in your child.
Totle Page Count: 393

Learning Outcome.

What to expect from this workbook.

Quite a few children enter preschool with some elementary knowledge of numbers and counting. Some children can count three to five objects accurately and can also read some numbers. But for others –they have not developed this knowledge. You can use this workbook as an opportunity help your child learn the words for numbers, to count things, and to learn to read and write numbers, before they enter formal schooling.

Repeated practice on these workbooks will allow the child an opportunity to get his concepts of numerosity correct. You can assist further by engaging the child in your daily routine. As your child writes, point and count previous numbers up the current one that the child is working on. As you lay the table point to the plates and cups and spoons and count the pieces; count the children's shoes as you help take them off; count the stairs as the children walk down them. As you point and count, get your child to count with you. Children need to hear and practice things a lot in order to learn them.

This worksheet will fill this much-needed gap.

Help your child learn to answer the "how many?" questions.

Ask your child to count the pictures as you point to them and ask “how Many” and respond by saying “There are four monkeys, can you count them from 1-4. Children like to point to and count their fingers, their legs, and their ears. Help them do that. Ask your child to clap with the numbers. If it is 5 ducks, the child should clap five times - counting for each clap. Then ask your child “How many times did you clap?” Your child should say – Five times. Ask your child to jump 5 times counting each jump. Then say “I am going to clap and I want you to listen for how many claps you hear”. Then ask the child to clap the same number as you did and then trace and write the number on the book.

The activities we have in this workbook are simple and can be very rewarding and an enjoyable experience as it arms you with the best information and resources. This will eliminate confusion when they enter school and counting will become integral to their everyday, as it will give them hands-on activities to do.