Time Manage Yourself
Schedule yourself
If you find it difficult to be well organized, and notice that you need the help of a technique to manage yourself, try the following. When studying, try to vary your tasks: half an hour's writing might be followed by a change of activity - some work that involves moving around or telephoning people.
A school organizer may help
This daily diary will help you keep up to date with assignment and essay deadlines, exams and appointments. You will also have your telephone numbers all in one place.
A lot of students keep a 'To do' list in their organizer
What is Time Management?
Time management is
Knowing what you want to accomplish,
Planning how to meet your goals,
Having time for studying,
Breaking tasks into smaller pieces,
Make a list, in order of importance of what you want to do and keep it handy so that you can refer to it regularly.
What is a 'To Do' list for you as a student?
This is a list of all the tasks that you need to carry out. It consolidates all the jobs that you have to do into one place. You can then prioritize these tasks into order of importance. This allows you to tackle the most important ones first.
This will give you control over your work. It will ensure that things are not forgotten, and ticking things off as they are completed can give a sense of satisfaction!
One method is the Red , Yellow and Green or the RYG method. This list is divided into three sections; R,Y,G The items placed in the RED section are those needed to be done that day. The items placed in the YELLOW section need completion within the week. The GREEN section items are those things that need to be done within the month. As the YELLOW, GREEN items become more pertinent they are bumped up to the RED or YELLOW list.
Update your list daily.
Use your organizer rather than scraps of paper.
Keep your diary, calendar and 'To do' list in a place where they can be clearly seen.
Make a point of checking your key lists first thing each morning, before lunch, and at the end of the day.
Use a highlighter pen to mark important items or dates.
Cross-off completed sections.
Plan rewards for yourself when you have completed a project.
Avoid interruptions
It is extra hard to a dyslexic student to concentrate on two things at the same time. A telephone ringing, or someone calling in to see you, can break your thread of concentration. It can then take you a long time to get back to where you were before. Try to separate socialization from study.