Contact Us

The Dyslexia Association of India, is Ideally located in The Centre Stage Mall. You can find us on the Mezzanine Floor and our address is :

The Center Stage Mall
Plot No 01 , Block L
Sector 18
NOIDA 201303
HP + 91 88260 22886 ( 10AM to 8 PM )

The premises offers the dual benefit of being located in a controlled environment and a high security zone for the children.

It is our experience that children can focus better when they are given a Microenvironment which has the facilities of constant air-conditioning and power. The Infrastructure allows for physical comfort and mental freedom to concentrate on the activities being conducted.

The environment also serves as an exciting conduit for parents to spend their time if their children are preschooler's and need constant supervision. The ambience will keep any Mum or Dad busy for the duration their child spends with us.

For school going children who are independent and come on their own, the air-conditioned and dust free ambience can bring peace of mind and freedom from the worry and chatter that accompanies the hustle and bustle of going for classes in a makeshift centre or the unprofessional approach visible in the residential premises of an independent service provider.

Concentration and how to develop the ability to focus are key factors in overcoming any Learning Difference or related affliction like Attention Deficit Disorders ( ADD / ADHD ).

As a parent and as a potential student , you will appreciate our effort to provide you with a world class platform that enables you to function freely and smoothly.

The Dyslexia Association of India can also be contacted on e mail based on your need.

For General Information please e mail to

For Assessment related queries please e mail to

The Association would be glad to be of any assistance in answering any query.